Saturday, July 23, 2011

Common Questions While Using An Oscilloscope

Sometimes we are confused with the use of an oscilloscope. Here I try to summarize some common questions, taking a HP 1741A oscilloscope as an example.

1. AUTO vs NORM sweep mode.

AUTO sweep mode (pushbutton out) is a free-running sweep provides a bright display in the absence of a trigger signal. A trigger signal input (internal or external) of 40 Hz or more overrides AUTO operation and sweep triggering is the same as in the NORM mode.

2. Trigger holdoff.

It increases the time between sweeps and aids triggering on complex displays such as digital words.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The inside of a Tektronix TDS 420 150 MHz oscilloscope

Ever wondered how the inside of a Tektronix TDS 420 150 MHz oscilloscope looks like? Please see the pictures below.


I am starting my blog on oscilloscope. You are welcome!